Thursday, August 19, 2010

What would be the best advice you would give to someone thinking about reverting to Islam?

be sure that ALLAH with u every moment in ur life and any problem occure to u quickly raise ur hands and ask ur lord to help u

also never trust the media

start studying islam ( islamic rules ) from trusted people

if u can study arabic go on never wait



r not u already muslim ?What would be the best advice you would give to someone thinking about reverting to Islam?
here is my advice :

it is the best decision you will ever make. =)

there are SO many sects out there and you must choose just one .. remember that the Qur'an is the ultimate truth, if someone tells you to go against it, then that sect is a fakey.

you will be tested over and over again, the way to suceed is only through Salah and Dua .. no matter what, chose Allah before anything and everything.

Islam is so beautiful that it becomes hard to explain it in words, so be the best Muslim that you can possibably be .. you should be the change you want to see in people.

and lastly, not all Muslims represent Islam ... the Holy Qur'an is the best representation of Islam.What would be the best advice you would give to someone thinking about reverting to Islam?
first and foremost he/she must seek guidance from Allah . next important thing is to find reliable sources of knowledge preferably from someone he/she trusts to have great knowledge of islam e.g. an islamic scholar . he/she can do this by going to the nearest mosque/musolla/islamic schools . as mentioned, it is better if he/she can learn arabic which makes it easier to get the meaning of quran and al-hadith

to natalie :

don't make a conclusion that just from knowing 'some' muslims means that u know everything about islam . think before u write . i'm sure u would be angry if i tell u the exact same sentence about ur religion just because i know some christians
: Whenever anyone came to Prophet Muhammad (sallalluha alaihi wasallam), with a view to embrace Islam, they were told and expected to uphold the performing of their five times daily Salaat - prayers without fail. Hence after Iman, performing five times daily Salaat - prayers without fail is the bedrock of Islam.

: Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) clearly stated:

';That which separates a believer from infidelity is simply the performing of five times daily Salaat without fail...

And those have no share in Islam who dont perform their five times daily Salaat without fail.';

: Many pages of the Qur'ãn and Hadiths are repleted with injunctions which enjoin Salaat on all Muslim's.
I'd tell them to be aware of the pros and cons of it.

Do you wish to join a religion that (coincidently?) incites hatred and terrorism among some?

Islam is not a popular religion right now due to the association with violence.

MODERATE Muslims must speak out against violence if they wish to prevent the impression that Islam is the source of terrorism.
I'd warn them of the harshness and torture that Islam imposes, I'd have them watch the news and read the Quran. I'd also have them read about why Allah made us with the flaws we have, why he created Iblis to torture us.

I'd also ask them if they were sure that believing in a God that is omniscient and supposedly benevolent, yet requires us to be tested for answers he already has, and is allowing people to murder each other in his name without so much as caring to let them know which section of the religion, which interpretation is correct.

Also the pedophilia by the last prophet.
To know where they are getting their information from and if it is reliable. Just reading the quran is a beautiful thing. So they should do that and they would see its the truth, inshallah. Instead of reading everything off unreliable biased websites or books.

They should also talk to religous figures such as imams and knowledgable people that can answer them properly and won't give false information ...

To constantly seek knowledge, to constantly read on all aspects of Islam and to engage oneself in a detailed study of the Glorious Quran

If you are interested in Reverting to Islam, you might find the following by Revert Muslim Mathematics Professor Dr Jeffrey Lang very interesting:…………

Also here's a good site to help you get settled into Islam without too much difficulty:

May Allah bless you and guide you to truth InshaAllah
just think about how the universe really started, no it wasnt allah, it was a bunch of hydrogen atoms just chilling, untill they all came to the center and made a giant black whole and caused a huge big bang, whcih created everything else. earth is just a fungi infected rock out of trillions, in comparison with the whole universe. first came single celled organisms, that could live in extreme temperatures and pressures, then eventually plants and lastly animals, even animals had to evolve for 200mil years before the first humans. would allah take so long to make humans? or would he just go *snap* there you go guys!
you'll be tested along the way no doubt...

put your Trust in Allah(swt) have faith...

establish your 5 times Salaah

and Inshallah you will be successful...

Though I have to say Mashallah the faith many reverts have in Allah(swt) cannot be matched by ppl who were born into Islam!

May Allah(swt) give us all success in this world and the hereafter.

May He accept you, increase our Iman (faith) and make us all sincere in our actions.

when you do embrace Islam (inshallah)-Recite:-

Allahumagh firli War hamni wa'hdini war zuqnee

O Allah, forgive me, have mercy on me, guide me aright and grant me sustenence
To tell them that they would be tested so much, so they should be strong and believe that all they have to do is do their best to pass these tests by Allah subhanaho wa taala.

Read for them the beginning of surat Alankabout the first few Ayas:

Alif Lam Mim. (1) Do people think that they will be left alone on saying ';We believe'; and that they will not be tested? (2) We did test those before them, and Allah will certainly know those who are true from those who are false. (3)

May Allah guide us all and give us strength in all our tests...Ameen

Also a great website to learn about Islam and for you too is I learn a lot from this website, almost anything related to religion I can find there alhamdulilah

Assalamu Aleikum
#1 advice :: put your trust in Allah(swt) first.

%26amp; to have patience {{sabr}}; when in doubt, when

struggling to learn a new concept, when waiting for

Allah(swt) to answer your dua'a, when in conflict

with your nafs ... etc.

salaam :)
dont worry about what others will think, in the end of the day its just you and god, if islam feels best in your heart, that is what you should follow, not the opinions of other people.
Hi! If you want to help start a new site answering to people's personal problems, please go to and also post your problem there, looking for an answer. Thanks!
To revert so you can find eternal peace and everlasting contentment in your heart.
Never too trust someone who wants you too carry a backpack into a crowded area and ';push the red button';....
Choose life!
dont do it, there is so much proof that this religion isnt the real one. for example ask any muslim this. if muslim religion is older and the right one why is it that we count years from the chrusification of Jesus Crist as in its 2009 years since this happened. surely if muslim religion was the right one it must be something likr 4 thousand and something. and this is just one of the unanswered things and plus this religion has sharia law and honour killings i mean wtf. would you kill your baby daughter? islam is like cancer once it spreads inside you you cant cure it. if youre looking for answers in life and you ask yourself why are we here? etc dont turn into muslim just because quran has the most explainable reason, the most explainable reasons arent always true. for example you know when you do something good to someone you feel good inside that you did something and youre pround of yourself. so maybe this is what it is there is a reward at the end once you turned away from all the evil and obviousness and not knowing why. and not just choosing the most explainable easier route. another example or easier route if someone finished school and doesnt go onto college will they feel satisfaction inside that they achieved their potential by doing easy job, or will someone feel more satisfied who has worked all though to university and made their family proud and is a role model and living the good life, earning big money, even though along the way there was lots of testing of his/her caurage whether they can achieve this. at the end of the day its your decision, but after knowing some muslims for 6 years its enough to say that its an absolute madness.

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