Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What the best advice that you have gotten on this board?

Parenting or otherwise. I assume thats why we all keep coming back right? The wisdom of our fellow peers. (i'm not sure if that is sarcastic or not just yet, so take it as you like)

Or do we just like the fights? ;-)What the best advice that you have gotten on this board?
The best advice I have gotten has regarded in how to teach my children right from wrong, how to speak on my toddler's level so he can understand me and how to practice keeping a calm temperament. I have also received great wisdom on positive reinforcement, which was something I never used until the last few months. It's made a big impact on my son's behavior :) He is still given his consequences for misbehavior, but I learned that it is possible to head off unwanted behavior before it starts and that spanking is not the answer for all situations. I have learned a lot to be honest. It's amazing what you can learn from a message board on Yahoo!

The best pieces of advice have come from my contacts who are supportive, real moms who face the same challenges I do day to day. I've been very encouraged through them :) Thanks ya'll!

*I'll second what Carrie has said about looking for specific people's input. It's always interesting to see how the people I hold respect for answer the questions. Sometimes the answers really make me think and reexamine myself and other times it further reinforces why I believe what I believe.

.......Although some of the fights are pretty darn interesting too.... ;-)What the best advice that you have gotten on this board?
how to fix my car and how to deal with trolls, lol. of course i wouldn't need the latter advice if i weren't on here in the first place.

this particular section i find fascinating not for the advice, per se, but for the range of opinions and insights that come from people that I normally wouldn't interact with in my real life. i love the exchange of opinions with people with whom, on the face of it, i have virtually nothing in common and who probably wouldn't give me the time of day in real life ... and i love finding out that they have a perspective that's interesting and worthwhile to me. i often leave this board thinking that it's unfortunate that most of us live lives surrounded mostly by people like us or who agree with us.

i know that's not really what a q%26amp;a board is meant for, but that's what i get out of it.

and yes, i also definitely seek out the q%26amp;as of specific people who consistently give mature and interesting input, including you and some others who have answered this question (and others, as well). and every once in a while i pick a fight with a troll just for fun. i like to pretend i'm more mature than i actually am.
1 due: took my answer. If you don't have a good network at home of people to ask ';dumb'; questions to than this is the place. I was kinda lost last year. I did need some place to just see that I am not crazy and, consequently have been able to be calmer around the house and put my foot down better sometimes and lighten up others. It's nice. There are some people that I really look at to see what they think about certain subjects. Then you still get to do things your way but with a better outlook on the situation or a totally new way of approaching things. Sometimes you just realize ';I was right'; haha.
I like the fights;-)

Really I have gotten some great advice from this board. There are certain people who answer's I like to read (yours included!) and I find myself looking for those specific ones.

Can't remember a specific time of great advice. Maybe I'll look back through my questions and get back on that.
I'm not sure if it's advice I've actually gotten, but more like comforted (kinda cheesy, I know...) It seems whatever kind of question or worry I may have, there's a bunch of other women on here asking the same question so I don't feel like I'm alone!
I mostly like the comfort of knowing that other people have the same questions and worries as me and I value the insight of other peoples answers......some I would never have though of on my own.
I( had a lot of good advice on here.i am not sure what the best was.I think it was about my depression.

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