Thursday, August 19, 2010

How come the people who have never been in relationships have the best advice on relationships?

It seems like all of my friends who have never been in relationships have the best advice on relationships unlike my friends who have had lots of boyfriends and a lot more experience How come the people who have never been in relationships have the best advice on relationships?
How can they have the best advice if they have never been in a relationship? They don't know anything about relationships except for what they see around them and on TV. Sorry, but I wouldn't go to a marriage counselor who has been divorced and barely on her second marriage nor would I listen to someone who hasn't even had one boyfriend that has lasted over five months. How come the people who have never been in relationships have the best advice on relationships?
because the still have the right ideals and standards,they havent had the chance to be sweet talked into stuff and so on. and haven't been confused by all the men that they met that have said and done different things .
i would say because instead of being in the relationships they are observing others and their relationships and they learn that way.

they learn what to do and not to do just by hearing what situations other couples are going through.

many people learn better by observing rather then experiencing. :)

Is easier to give advise than actually do things.. Like an old say '; easier say than done.'; when we are in the problem we dont see things the way the third person sees it.. Is always like that it doesn't matter how experience's you are.
Easy. They don't have the emotional involvement so they can look at it objectively.

they dont :S

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