Some people save all their money for future's use. They focus on future, but forget to enjoy their life. On the other hand, some people enjoy life at every moments, but forget about future.
Thank you.How do you find balance in life? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?
I totally see where you are coming from! We are told to live everyday as if it鈥檚 our last, so does that mean that we should go crazy and enjoy ourselves every day, spending loads of money as we do it, or should be more 鈥榮ensible鈥?and save for the future.
I think balancing this is different for every person. You have to decide for yourself whether you think that it is better to save for future use, or live for the moment. While we are young I definitely think that we should be having fun, whilst being responsible at the same time.
I would say save some money for future use, but enjoy yourself with some money now. We go to work to get paid, and we need to have some fun in our lives to keep us happy and motivated to go back and do more work!
So basically yeah, think about what is right for you. Would you prefer to enjoy yourself when you are older, or would you like to live for the moment? If you can, balance it by saving some for the future, and have fun now as well. It is do-able :)
Good luck, and I鈥檓 sure you will find the balance that is right for you!How do you find balance in life? 10 points for the best advice. Thank you?
It took a long time for me to realise I had no real control over future events and to just live in the moment seemed trite but for me it is freedom and peace now and I don't get so disappointed when things don't happen the way they may have been planned. My balance is to enjoy the SIMPLE things and when the extrordinary comes along, thats a bonus....
Finding balance is most likely when our stated priorities match the time you give them. Let's pretend you say that your top priorities are, for example, God, marriage, family, friends, work and sports/hobbies. If your biggest time usage is T.V., video games, e-mail/blogs, napping and shopping, you will not find balance. Many of us live under the ';tyranny of the urgent'; (someone else's phrase). We spend a lot of our time doing what is urgent but not what is important. Balance comes when you harmonize the two, finding a way to make our stated priorities a lifestyle choice.
Take what you enjoy doing and what you ';need'; to do, and begin to turn your needs into your enjoyments. Additionally, a sound mind and a sound body assist with balance. Enrich your soul with educational/spiritual activities, as well as a healthy dose (defined by you) of leisure/sport activities (walking, meditating, etc.)
Balance is when you have exposed the duality of mind. Opposites are complimentary and stand based upon each other. Balance is when you achieve the state of Being, beyond the dual concepts.
I believe that if you accept, and truly accept, that are just some things in life you cannot change and admit to yourself that you will make mistakes, life seems to balance around you. You must make amends with yourself for your past mistakes and forgive those that have wronged you. After all that has been accomplished when something occurs in your life that seems frustrating find amusement in it. Especially if it is a new experience just enjoy experiencing something new. Some people would say a car accident is unfortunate, but how many times do you plan to have one? So try and understand all that occured around it and enjoy this new experience, as you have just learned something new. Seems strange? Balance is not easy to achieve and rarely makes sense. As for the future, I plan for it, but accept my next breath may be my last and enjoy the one I have in my lungs
I find balance in life through the study and practice of Taoism. The early Taoists were the ones to come up with the yin-yang symbol (the grand tai chi, or supreme ultimate). It is a statement about change and balance. If you read the Tao Te Ching and try to apply it to your life, you will eventually find the answers you're looking for. A good passage in your particular case would be:
To hold and fill (a vessel) to the full,
It had better not be done.
To temper and sharpen a sword,
Its edge could not be kept long.
To fill the hall with gold and jade,
There is no way to guard them.
To be rich, exalted, and proud,
This is to invite blame upon oneself.
When work is done, the person retires,
Such is the [Way] of heaven.
-- Chapter 9, Tao Te Ching, 6th c. BCE, by Lao Tzu, translated by Ellen M. Chen
Many of the world's oldest wisdom philosophies/religions have much to teach. They have been honed and proven over many centuries.
You have to decide for yourself what is important and what is not. From there you need to eliminate negativity. From you or directed towards you. And then grab your life and live EVERY DAY LIKE IT IS YOUR LAST! BECAUSE IT COULD BE. Happiness is yours to take, do not wait for someone to give it to you. God doesn't give you more than you can handle because no matter what it is, how bad or good, it will come to be the past. So remember, know when to hold on, know when to let go, know when to walk away, and know when to stand and fight. For everything has a time and place, and remember, into each life some rain must fall, but don't stop to count the rain drops, grab an umbrella and go play in a puddle!! Because there is always good to be found. the balance in life is being able to handle the bad, and ENJOY the good. It is a two way street honey!If you are constantly worrying about your past or future, what are you doing with your right now??? Don't waste a minute, we only get so many, and in the grand scheme of things it is only a blink of an eye. Balance is not what you should strive for. Happiness, love, faith, hope, and wonder are better to pursue! Because your future will come one day at a time. And you past will grow just the same. You cannot change this. But you can write your own story. One day at a time. And as far as money....What is the going rate for happiness and love? There is no amount of money that can buy them, so save some for your future, and spend some to color your today, so your past is as bright as your future!!!
At 56, my future can only be the furnace or the dirt motel. I live for now. Life is short. Screw the future!
you have to find your own happy place. As for me, i save some money for me and the future. its always good to be prepared. Being with your true love will help you find balance.
You have to take the world as it comes at you. hold your head high no matter what and always think of the good side to everything.
Simple... self-control and moderation.
I find balance from being myself. I also go out and live every minute to the fullest. God can take us any minute let it be a car or a bullet or an accident, we have a time. I don't want to waste my time and life for the future. Because if I do that i have no future. I would do that all my life. You get it? If I keep saving I'll do that in the future. I'll never have a life or future. I go out and live life my way. I don't want any rules, even though we have to follow. I want to have everything I dreamed of. I have my scuba diving liscense. I have alot of animals. i am loved with a ton of friends! I am living my life how I want to. If I am taken away from this Earth right now in the middle of the answer. I don't want any one to feel bad for me. I lived a good life. I was everyones friend. I was me. I only want for all those whos hearts were taken from my passing to heal in a slow matter of time. I am only wanting my life and the people in it to be happy. Like our lord. Like our Friends. Like our parents and family.
Hope I gave you a vivid illustration in that lil thing in youer brain. answer my questions.
By finding one's own equilibrium.
That is, there is no pat answer for what represents ';balance'; universally.
At what point do you feel that you are in your comfort zone of not worrying about the future and enjoying the present? Massive amounts of security? Most of your bases covered? Caution to the wind?
Everyone feels differently about this and some, feel very comfortable not worrying about tomorrow and in their experience, find that it takes care of itself.
Others, are always concerned that the ';sky is falling'; and feel the need for a ';Golden Parachute'; just in case.
Beliefs, tend to be self-fulfilling. If you feel you need security for tomorrow, don't feel the need to abandon this simply because someone says you focus too much on the future. You do. So what? It's your comfort level that's at stake and if you believe there is a disaster around the corner, then chances are, you will confirm yourself in this. If not, the money is in the bank.
Conversely, if you live comfortably with little concern for tomorrow and others tell you to save, save, save or you're being irresponsible, tell them to get stuffed and enjoy your life as you see fit.
I used to drive the elderly around for a living. I heard more regret about people not living the way they wanted to, than any other regret. Living for others, or according to the way others think one should, was the most common to hear.
A fine balance of painkillers and booze.
Laugh when it is funny, Work when you need to spend when you can, save when you can. Don't worry too much about what the next person has compaired to you because that is unimportant. I have never seen a UHAUL attached to a hurse. So live every day as it is your last. Say I love you to those you know. Kiss those you want to. Forgive even when you don't. Give to those with out because some day it may happen to you.
Bourbon is a good resource.
I don't.
You do what humans can do and other animals can' make a plan. You start by thinking where you want to be after whatever period of time...then you think what it will take day by day to get make sure its doable and then you live your life.
You will have to go back now and again and adjust things and rethink, but you would already have the broad strokes there.
Really I put emphasis on living if for no other reason than life almost always ends before we are live while you can.
I hope this helps
Rev Phil
I would say having fun and living life and just being around friends to lift your spirits
My balance is in my view and understanding of my relative place in time. And further, all those around me that have not come to grips with that reality. There is a finite amount of ';it'; so, what should I being doing with ';it'; now.
I hope it works for you
Old Guy
realize that their is no balance in life. Accept that and just live your life for now and when something comes up, deal with it then. You dont know the future so dont spend all your time worring about it before it becomes the past.
live close to nature and do your own thing dont ever let anyone get in the way of your dreams and let fate lead the way! also find a good mature way to solve problems and nnot to hold grudges! believe in god! most of all believe in yourself get a good education and keep a close circle of friends!
by reminding myself of both.
I try not to get too serious or obsessed only one of them.
I take life as it comes. I just live everyday and try to make the best of it. But, I always remember my plans for the future. I have been saving money for a VERY long time, And I use it here and there, But I plan on using most of it on future use.
you have to keep in mind 2 things. always to get at what you want and never change your personality on that road. if you are able to do that you will be a winner. will have what you want, when you want, and you'll be you every second. that should make your life balanced.
Never worry about the future. If you can control what happens, you have control. If you can't control what happens, you can't control it. There's no need to worry about.
The trick to balance in life is to enjoy now, with very few thoughts on the future. You never experience the future, you only experience now.
look into and live from your heart, there you will find contentment in balance throughout time
By realizing that the world isn't balanced and accepting it
Create your own balance as long as there is some.
Well you could just balance stuff out somehow.
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