Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Spiritually speaking-What is your best advice to someone who is moving out for their first time?

Stay true to yourself.Spiritually speaking-What is your best advice to someone who is moving out for their first time?
It is a good idea to hang on to the values you learned from your parents in the early days of your leaving the nest. The reason is that you will be exposed to many diverse and persuasive people and ideas. You can easily get led astray until you begin forming your own opinions and ideas. Try to be critical of concepts that others try convincing you of....meaning you don't just buy into something until you have fully evaluated it. Ask questions but maybe the most important thing is that you believe and trust yourself!!! Enjoy.Spiritually speaking-What is your best advice to someone who is moving out for their first time?
Enjoy it!!!

and try to have an eco home!

its good for our planet and will save you heaps of money!!

-Dont leave all the lights on

-dont use the dryer too much

-use environmently friendly cleaning products or go online and make your own

-only use power saving light globes

-buy recycled furniture from ebay or markets (you can get awesome stuff)

recycle all your garbage(here in Oz we have normal rubbish collection and recycle collection)

-re-use gocerie bags or buy canvas bags for groceries!!!

-turn everything off at the wall at night because power is still used even on standby and it save heaps!!

-work out what meals you wanna eat each week and do one big grocery shop..you will save so much money by not goibg to the store every day or two!!

-Don't let all your friends just hang all the time...they will eat yoru food and use your energy and water and it will cos heaps,

-in winter use oil heaters they are so warm and the little blower heaters use soooo much electricity and cost heaps!!

it seems like a lot to do but once you just do it for a couple of weeks it becomes easy....it takes 21days to form a habit....make it a good habit

good luck and have the best ever time!!! So exciting for you
If you're Christian, don't get a worldly roommate. She'll come home from the bars every night at 2am with her abusive alcoholic boyfriend she barely knows and wake you up with her sex noises and slamming doors when you have to be at work at 8am. And then she'll let her boyfriend sleep in her bed while both of you are at work!

But i'm not bitter or anything. :-D
This is exactly where I am now, with a son who moved to an apartment for college.

Make godly decisions, which are not necessarily popular ones, but always are the right ones. Pray over the decisions to be made, so that God can guide you. Let people see that you are sold out to God.
Get a telephone,and pay the bill, so you can contact prayer lines day or night, because you are going to be praying alot, about alot of things, that you don,t lose your job, that you can pay the rent, that you have nice neighbors, etc Good Luck and God Bless, in Jesus name amen and amen and don,t drink alcohol, it never works, never
Just believe in your self. Decorate it like you want to. Be friendly to your neighbors. And, please change your door locks, for you don't know who was living there before, and may have a key. Please, don't leave a key hidden outside either, where a thief can find it.

#1 Use your intuition.


#3 Your Health should be your first priority over EVERYTHING.

#4 Never make someone a priority, who only makes you an option.

#5 Don't drop out of school

#6 Find two good friends - if they are true friends they are all you need for life.
Are you moving from home? How old are you? If you are spiritually grounded then moving out shouldn't be that big of a deal, put your faith in you choice to move out and seek the direction you should go.
all necessities are priorities but not all priorities are necessities.

identify the difference between needs and wants. needs need to be satisfied.
Be one with yourself? Seriously spiritually speaking, wtf!
Don't burn any bridges.

Oh, and I second the don't use credit cards warning. Nothing good comes from debt. Live within your means.
save some money! or given the context save some spiritual money?
Meet your neighbours. People have to stick together.

Plus the change your locks advice above is very good.
Change the doorknobs the first day. You have no idea how many people may have a key.
1. Find a good church.

2. Keep a Sensible Schedule.

3. Make Good Friends.
Choose your roommates carefully. Don't get stuck with deadbeats.
Make a budget. Save 10% of your paycheque for retirement.
Buy toilet paper, soap, paper towels, and stuff like that in bulk. You'll always use it.
Claim what is yours. Let go of what is not.
Just don't do anything stupid.
Pray without ceasing.
Wise man say, he who waste electricity pay high bill.
Don't accept ANY of the credit card offers you'll get.
Trust in God.
buy a shotgun
what would jesus do

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