Im going to breastfeed my third child and I really dont want to stop early like I did with my first 2 because of reasons like. (milk supply deminished and painful bleeding)
Im looking for any and all of the best advices you all got or have!!! Thanks, KellyWhats the best advice you got to help you out during breastfeeding?
It seems like you already got a lot of advice from everyone. Once you start breastfeeding, you can ask form more specific advice according to your needs.
The only thing I have to say is, if you really want to do this, don't give up no matter what.
Educate yourself, eat healthy, drink plenty of water, drink red raspberry leaf tea, carrot juice, take fenugreek and blessed thistle capsules, nurse on demand, keep baby close to you... All of these are things that 'll help you. But the one thing that helped me the most, was my determination to keep going. Formula was not an option. I took it day by day, and thanked God for every day I could nurse. For me it wasn't easy, and I heard over and over from friends and loved ones, to just give up. Luckily I didn't .
You can do this if you really want. Hopefully breastfeeding will be a breeze for you, and you won't ever have to ask a single question at y/a!! But even if it's not, whatever the obstacle is, you can overcome it. You 'll get your strength by watching your baby grow to be healthy and beautiful.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Congratulations!!! Have a wonderful experience nursing!Whats the best advice you got to help you out during breastfeeding?
Hmmm. I had a bunch of helpful info my first time around.
It's ok for the baby to be on the breast pretty much 24/7 for the first few weeks. Feeding on demand is key to establishing a great supply early on. Your milk can take 4-5 days to come in, AND THAT'S NORMAL.
Newborns have tiny tummies, just because the baby seems to be eating all the time does NOT mean you have a supply problem. Count the wet diapers rather than watch the clock to see if the baby is eating enough...
Use Lansinoh after every feeding the first 2 weeks. Use it two weeks before your due date 3 times a day.
If your baby is large enough, and you're not too large for it to be uncomfortable, learn how to do the sidelying nursing positions so that you can sleep while the baby sleeps. This was HUGELY helpful. Safe cosleeping guidelines are available at There are some instances where it should be avoided and the link below provides specific advice.
Stay hydrated and fed. Stash bottles of water everywhere you might nurse and keep sandwich baggies of high protein snacks anywhere you might be nursing before you bring the baby home and make sure they get restocked each day.
I think those are the biggies that got me through the early days and will hopefully get me through them with the next baby due in 2 weeks. Best wishes to you on your third baby!
You know, Yahoo! was the only place i got positive advice. Everyone else told me to 'give myself a break'. Ugh.
The only thing I could do was too suck it up and push myself through the hard times. They did get better, I swear. Every little hurdle gets smaller, every feed makes it a tad easier :)
Goodluck mama
The best advice was take your baby to bed with you and nurse. I got the rest I needed to relax and stop worrying about my milk supply and baby got lots of access to the breast. When I spent a few days doing nothing but nursing, my milk supply finally started to increase and my baby was able to go longer between feedings. Also, the skin contact is good for babies. It helps them remember how to suck properly. It sounds like hocus-pocus, but I swear it works!
I was told to nurse frequently %26amp; pump when I can't nurse to keep my supply up. I was also told to try some of the homeopathic ways of increasing milk supply like Nursing Mother Tea by YOgi Tea Company.
Good Luck!
When I got mastitis for the 2nd time %26amp; was feeling down about breastfeeding, my OBGYN was encouraging. She said to set short-term goals for myself for breastfeeding %26amp; that even though breastfeeding was great for my baby, formula feeding was really good too. She said that in the US, we are really lucky to also have good formula and that formula fed babies are really healthy too! I went on to breastfeed my baby for 12 months--each week that I perservered with breastfeeding made it so much easier %26amp; I was really proud of myself for continuing. There are a lot of hurdles for some women when they are breastfeeding, but you can overcome them %26amp; be very successful at it. Be proud of yourself for even breastfeeding for a day! Best wishes!
Congrats on your third! I have three and it is really much easier than I thought it would be. That is after the first few weeks that are always tough.
You have already gotten some great advice from others and I would just add to get a nice sling for baby. I didn't have one until my third and didn't know what I was missing.. I can actually walk around the mall and nurse her in the sling and now one even knows. It is great when you already have other kids!
Also just remember that breastmilk is based on supply vs demand so put the baby to the breast on demand and yes sometimes it will feel like it is 24/7 but just until your supply is built up or they go through a growth spurt.
Best of luck!
Don't give any bottles or pacifiers in the first 3 weeks! It can cause nipple confusion and latch on problems. Nurse baby on demand. You supply will adjust and meet the needs of your baby. Take it easy for at least the first month and forget about housework and everything else. Rest and nurse! Let someone help you with the other kids and the chores!
Go to La Leche League meetings! It's great to have the support and you can get pointers. Or at least contact them if you have ANY problems with sore nipples, latch on, etc.
I wish I had studied up on it a lot more I didn't think it would be so difficult I really assumed it would be so easy and now I see that it is hard but worth it I didn't get a whole lot of good advice until I started having trouble but I'm still at it 10 weeks later and it is finally getting easier!!!!!!
i used lotion that the hospital gave me and when i wasnt breast feeding i used a warm wash cloth to help the milk flow more easily also try long hot showers with the water running onto your breasts this helped me get more milk in and also make it that they didnt hurt as much the doctors told me that this was the easiest way
I had the same problem when breastfeeding my first 2 (diminishing milk supply, not enought time to devote to it). So, naturally I thought things would be the same the third time around. But first off, remember that you are pretty much a professionaly when it comes to breastfeeding this time. And just approach it with that confidence and it will probably go much better. I am currently nursing our third child and I just went into it with a headstrong attitude. Just tell yourself that you know what to expect and be prepared for it (get some pure lanolin ointment for the soreness, it helped sooo much) and just do what you can. Just the fact that you want to do this for your child while 2 other ones run around the room says a lot about what you will do for your children. Good luck
The best advice was from a lactation consultant in my midwife's office. She said that pacifiers and bottles should be avoided until breastfeeding has been well-established because they can really interfere with the baby learning how to suck properly and get milk from a breast.
So... no pacis or bottles for at least 3-4 weeks was what I was told. And it was great because my son never really got hooked on pacifiers! He would suck on one every once in a while when he was a couple months old... but we didn't have to deal with them much and didn't have to deal with binky weaning... which can be a PAIN!
Congratulations and best wishes.!
The best advice I received (and this is so true) is to make sure that your baby latches on correctly the first time. Don't think you will work on the latch later. It's too difficult to correct after your baby has gotten used to latching on improperly. Get help in the hospital immediately if you have ANY questions as to if it's the correct latch or not. I thought my baby was latching on right the first couple of days but she wasn't and it was causing pain and I was bleeding. The lactation specialist corrected me and we had to spend about a week correcting the baby. Good luck.
Hon, I got great advice from a message board.
The best advice I got was about cluster feeding and grwoth spurts.
Babies have growth spurts around 3 days, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months... Baby will nurse alot during them. It is their way of boosting your milk supply for their growing needs.
Also, don't time feedings. Let beby nurse as long as she/he wants at each breast. If baby falls asleep at the first one, Just use the other at the next feeding. You don't always have to use both. Baby may also prefer one breast over the other. That is also normal.
make sure first that you rotate each breast between feeds so your baby gets the milk from both, this way it helps against mastitis which hurts a lot. I also used nipple sheilds which help by collecting milk that leaks that can be embarrasing. Also if your boobs get hot use big cabbage leaves in your bra that have been in the fridge for a while to cool them down, it is cheaper than the cool packs you can get and feels better. If ypu express milk use an avent hand pump, ive tried loads and they are by far the best around, quick and simple. I also got told that after a feed rub a bit of your milk into your nipple as this prevents soreness and it works! Good luck.
I have some advice for you. Women are to be seen and not heard. Quit your bitchin' and get back to the kitchen. You're cruisin' for a bruisin' baby.
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