I'm 4 months along with my first and will take any good advice! Thanks!What is your best advice for a mom to be?
Follow YOUR instincts. You will know best!!!
If you are having a boy, make sure that you point his thing down or you will have wet sheets alot!!
Don't over pack your hospital bag. You probably won't use most of it.
Don't forget to take your baby book to the hospital so you can have footprints/hand prints put in it.
Make sure you have burp cloths/bibs and lots of them
Stock up on diapers now. All sizes
Prepare meals and freeze for when you come homeWhat is your best advice for a mom to be?
Well I know it sounds cliche but sleep! Everyone told me that when I was pregnant but you don't know how bad you will want to sleep when that baby comes and keeps you up so sleep as much as you can now. Also, spend lots of quality time with hubby or boyfriend now (like go out to eat together, go on dates, etc). You can still do that when baby comes but unless you get a sitter baby will have to come along and trust me that can put a quick end to a good meal if baby gets really fussy in the restuarant.
Another thing, don't be afraid to accept help...when people come over and ask if they can do anything take them up on the offer! It will help you out and give you time to spend napping or playing with baby.
Also, try not to go too crazy on baby clothes. I know it is hard. My son will be a year next month but before he was born I went crazy buying clothes and some of them he never even wore. If you must buy try to spread out the sizes that you get so at least baby will get some good wear out of them!
Enjoy your pregnancy...I am sure you will be a great mom!
Don't forget about your relationship with your husband/BF, it's just as important as the relationship with your baby.
Don't go overboard with baby clothes and items (the baby isn't going to need 50 different outfits and wipe warmers and the diaper genie are a waste of money)
Cook and freeze dinners, at least for the first month.
If someone offers to come help you do something, like clean your house or sit with the baby for an hour so you can sleep, let them.
Well after I'd had my son it was the next morning and I went to change him and realised that I had NO clue how to change a nappy/diaper, I burst into tears (guess the hormones were all over), it was just the realisation that it had never even crossed my mind during the 9 months. Just little things like that are worth thinking about before baby comes along. Congratulations!
Be prepared to loss most of your time to do anything. So if there is anything you need to get done before you have your baby get it done.
Don't buy every little gadget for your baby you probably won't use them as much as you think. Like a wipes warmer, or diaper holders.
If you are using formula make sure you get a formula holder. I don't know the official name for them but they have 3 or 4 compartments that rotate and it holds a measured amount of formula. It has a hole at the top and dumps into the bottle easily. It is so much easier to travel with or do late night feedings when your half asleep.
Try to prepare as many dinners in you freezer ahead of time. You will be so tired and won't feel like cooking a lot. I froze a lot of soup, stew, lasagna. Helped a lot on those days I was too tired to cook.
Don't buy too many clothes and try to buy them big. I have so many baby clothes that was only worn once.
Congratulations, it will go by so fast. I remember thinking I was never going to have my baby and now he is turning 2 in a few weeks. Enjoy every moment because you will wake up one day and think where did this little person come from and where did my baby go.
go on a romantic vacation with your partner. after the baby is first born mothers tend to focus on their newborn plus it will be awhile before you can spend some good uninterrupted time. lol. enjoy every shower you take. after you have the baby you can't just get up and do whatever you want anymore. try to enjoy every second of this pregnancy and take lots of pics. it will all be too soon before its over. get a baby book now and jot down how the pregnancy is going to. congrats your life will never be the same in the best way possible!!!!!
Everything can wait. The dishes, the laundry, the house, etc.
The baby is your life and needs you for everything! Hold lots, tend to every cry, invest in a rocker, sing and sing and sing some more! Cherish every single minute. Look at every detail of that little angel and tell yourself ';I am not going to forget this moment';.
Remember: The first 3 months is the most important for creating a secure baby. If they know mom is there when they need them, then they will cry less and be happier. The following 9 months reinforces that bond and this is when they learn- everything - so take the time to teach them!
Nurse them! Nursing also is a short lived investment but provides them with the much needed antibodies (you can pump if you want but you miss out on some really special times). A nursed baby is proven to have far less illness.
Get a relief person! Have someone you trust who would be willing to give you some time of rest. No matter how you wish to spend that time, but get it!
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: The human mother is the only mother that is intelligent and is the only mother that ignores the cries of their child for fear of spoiling them. Babies cannot be spoiled! Older children can, but babies cannot. That is a fact. Even animal mothers have their babies in their family bed until they are old enough to venture on their own so get yourself a ';Arms Reach Baby Bed';. Keep that baby next to your bed for 2 months.
Visit this site for Newborn 101:
sleep! sleep as much as you possibly can bc once u become a mom your sleep will be interrupted and never be the same!!!!!
have plenty of burp cloths ready
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