I know it's corny but it got me through my addiction.....
Tell her the poem of Serenity
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference
I would repeat that almost every night and it got me through some tough urges!!What is the best advice you can give to an addict?
to stop being addict-ed
well i cant say because she might get mad at you and start yelling cause lots of people usually do. but i would tell them to please stop and think about who they are putting in danger! not themselves but to at least to think that you are there.!!%26gt;%26gt;good luck
Stay away from her addicted friends, keep in contact with her support people. Keep working her program.
All I can tell you is to be supportive and watch for warning signs that you might need to know incase she is using again. I'm sorry to hear she has this problem. I wish you both the best of luck.. If you turn it over to Jesus he can really help her. I will make sure I say a special prayer for you and your family. Try to encourage her as best as you can, maybe you can get her involved into some programs or hobbies.
Seriously, the best advice you can give her, is to tell her that when she finally hits rock bottom, you'll be there for her because you love her and believe she is worth it. And then send her on her way. Be strong.
look in local paper 4 na meeting find out when and where thay are and go 2 ameeting with her and show her love addicts use drugs [alcahol] is a drug ] to change the way we fell about are selves something we dont like abouty r selves tyhen it gets harder and harder to quit r disease is in control i used for 35 yrs got clean in 04 1 july will have 4 years but buy grace of god there go i take her 2 lots of meeting she needs to build a stroung fondation for recovery please fill free to e mail me if ican be of help most of all is love feedher lots of love cause in the beging addicts dont love anything we have 2 learn to love rselves before we can love another just for tod ay i dont have to user .good morning god bless
Have her contact her who ever may be supporting her in her treatment. The only advise I can give you is to help her get her mind off whatever she may be craving. Remember she is going to have to rebuild her life without something she has previously wrapped her life around
religion. is always helpful!
i would especially try christianity or buddhism. maybe more buddha because its easier to follow along with, quite basic and is just the teachings of love and not toxicating your body.
but give her love and support. tell her you are there for her and support all her good desicions. if she went into rehab by herslef, praise her.
always be positive, good luck, and maybe try a counceller?
She is always going to have that urge to use. She just needs to know what she is going to lose when or if she does decide to go back to that life.
Well, not advice, i would give her love.
Just be there when she needs you and tell her that.
Thats the best advice IMO
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