Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What is best advice to grow herbs and vegetable in sand soil, full day sunlight and hot weather?

Agriculture, farming, sand soil, growing herbs and vegetablesWhat is best advice to grow herbs and vegetable in sand soil, full day sunlight and hot weather?
I would recommend going for mediterranean herbs as these soil conditions will mean dry conditions- things like oregano, thyme, sage, basil, rosemary, borage, lavendar may cope better than some of the softer herbs like lovage.

A thorough watering with a period of drying is preferred over frequent sprinkling. Annual herbs require a higher level of available soil moisture than most perennial herbs.

Regular pruning will help prevent disease. Use fertiliser but not too much as the plant can get a bit susceptible to disease- you want to keep them tough, not molly coddled too much.

Also, Mix some water retaining crystals around the root system for perennials- you can get them from most good nurserys and garden centres.

Keep an eye out for spider mite as these thrive in dry conditions also.

I found this site that lists a few others鈥?/a>

Vegetable wise, most things will love sandy soil. Sounds like your site is begging for some tomatoes which are very easy to grow. Also, beans and peas will thrive.

With root vegetables, you need to water very regularly as carrots for example will split if they go through periods of drought, and you'll end up with stringier veg. Same with swedes, they need regular watering to plump up. You'll need to keep an eye on the soil drying out, but sandy soil with few stones are great conditions for producing nice straight carrots.

ALso easy to grow would be perpetual spinach, also known as leaf beet, you can harvest the leaves all through the season for a continous supply.

Chard is another, cabbages, onions, spring onions, sprouts.

Since you get the sun, why not go for the gourd family and grow squash and pumpkins, if you are in a warm climate, these will love the conditions, just water, water, water regularly!

The chilli and pepper families also will thrive!

I'm jealous as I have fairly rocky soil with poor drainage, i would give my eye teeth to have a spot like that!What is best advice to grow herbs and vegetable in sand soil, full day sunlight and hot weather?
really depends on what you choose to grow, most vegetables will grow in full sun and sandy loam is a great soil to have you are fortunate. most people pay a lot to get that. read the back of the packages and it tell you what the requirements are for the particular vegetable you want to grow and some packages will also tell you what the first leaves will look like when it sprouts so you don't mistake your plant for a weed and pull it out. good luck and good eating my friend, gardening is a great stress reliever also.
For a very sandy soil, you should start working in a lot of good organic mulch. This will improve the water holding capacity and fertility of the soil. Most vegetables prefer full sun. but you could make good use of shade cloth to reduce the sun and heat on several vegetables and herbs. You will have to consider the things that you want to grow separately.
You can grow almost any herb you desire with such a wonderful garden. good luck

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