Be prepared to work very. Good marriages are not just the luck of the draw. Before you marry talk over careers,finances, communicating, children-how many and when ,religion, if you are not the same how will the children be raised, all the questions that are in the future now but if you haven't discussed it it could be a huge problem. I'm sure you can think of even more. After the honeymoon phase is over that's when the real work begins in building a life for your both. Good LuckWhat is best advice you could give to someone who is considering marriage?
I'd say, firstly make sure it's for all the right reasons and your sure your want to without any doubt. Also the 'marriage' isn't about a dress and a ring, it's about your life together and what you can do to make each other happy, challenge each other and enrich each others lives :)What is best advice you could give to someone who is considering marriage?
What are you thinking??? DONT DO IT!! ha ha just jokin. If you know you want to be with this person for the rest of your life and you love them then go for it. I have been with my husband since i was 13 years old(i know that is very young) i am now 32 years old and we have been married for nearly 9 years and have got 3 beautiful children. So i say yes go for it if you love them.
Stop thinking in terms of yourself and start thinking as ';we';. Marriage is the joining of two people, spiritually and emotionally, like sex is the union of two people physically.
Make sure you understand what marriage is and isn't. It's not a fairytale. It's not a ride off into the sunset. It's a 3-legged race, and if you two can't cooperate with each other, you're going to land on your *** and go nowhere.
Listen to what is being said and follow-up on any books that are suggested.
Here is a website that I turned to pre and post divorce;
Good luck, JR
Don't do it, run like hell.
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